What kind of content am I allowed to publish?

You are allowed to publish any content to which you own the rights and that abides by our community guidelines.

You must possess all necessary rights concerning the content and retain ownership of any original content you upload. If you wish to be the only user who can access that content, please mark it as "private.” Any content marked as "public" grants others in the community a license to use, copy, or create derivative works from your content. 

Any content that is found to be in conflict with our community guidelines (offensive, hateful, harmful, or spreading false information) will be either marked as private or removed from our platform. 

When you create a clip or book with an existing image, text, music, or video, you acknowledge that you have all the necessary permission rights and that the content does not violate any copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights of any third party. Assuming you have the necessary rights to do so, we accept uploads directly from services such as YouTube or Spotify, since their embedding technology provides a clear indication that they are shared from those sites. For more information please see the full Terms of Service here: https://www.recustom.com/terms-of-service